Society of Surgical Simulation Annual Conference
Innovations in Simulation-Based Education
Simulation after COVID
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On behalf of the Society for Surgical Simulation (SSS), Barts Cancer Institute (BCI) of Queen Mary University of London and program committee, I would like to welcome you to the second virtual annual conference SES2022 – Surgical Education and Simulation: Innovations in Simulation-Based Education.
Given the success of the inaugural event in 2020, we have expanded the 2022 meeting to two full day scientific program and Digital Surgery Master Class, using TOUCH SURGERY™. This will permit us to fully explore synergies between trainees, scientists, industries, surgeons and educators to advance simulation-based surgical education. SES2022 program agenda includes the following,
Digital Surgical Masterclass - Audience Interactive session for building cognitive confidence before entering the operating room.
Keynote Presentations
Expert Panel Discussions
Scientific Papers - Oral and Poster Presentations.
Surgical Sim Olympics - Live Laparoscopic Suturing Competition
I would like to thank you for your contribution and attending this unique event. We look forward to continuing the productive dialogue, enhancing knowledge, building relationships, and spark innovations aimed at fostering meaningful collaboration.
Prof. Bijendra Patel MS FRCS FRCS Hon.PhD, FAIS,
Professor of Surgery – Queen Mary University of London.
Consultant Upper GI & Laparoscopic Surgeon – Bart’s Health NHS Trust
Editor-in-Chief Journal of Surgical Simulation
Director of Surgical Skills and Science – Queen Mary University of London
Director of MSc Surgical Skills - University of Malta
Email: b.patel@qmul.ac.uk
Society of Surgical Simulation www.sssim.org
Meet The Speakers

Surgical Sim Olympics: Virtual Laparoscopic Suturing Competition
Registration closed
Date: 9th January
Location: Virtual (Online)
Registration Deadline: 29/12/2021
09/01/2022 World Times for Laparoscopic Simulation Competition
London, UK @ 12:00 - 13:00
Washington DC, US @ 07:00 - 08:00
New Delhi, India @ 16:30 - 17:30
Tokyo, Japan @ 20:00 - 21:00
Canberra, Australia @ 22:00 - 23:00
*Junior and Senior Competitions will run parallel to each other.
The competition is open to all Medical Students, Foundation Doctors, Core Surgical Trainees, Registrars, Consultants and Physician associates.
Organised by Society for Surgical Simulation & Barts Cancer Institute London, online “Laparoscopic Suturing Competition”
Target Participants:
Junior (Age under 30) Medical Students, Any junior surgical trainees, Physician Associates.
Senior (Age over 30) Senior surgical trainee (Junior Registrars and Senior Registrars)
All participants/attendees should register in advance. Registration is free
Instructions for taking part:
Submit a short biography in no more than 150 words covering your laparoscopic training and surgical experience
Submit your average time of 3 attempts of single interrupted knot as described below
Instrument: Laparoscopic Box trainer, Two needle drivers (or one needle driver and one grasper) and a braided suture 3-0 with curved needle (approx. 15 to 20cm length)
Contact us to arrange a laparoscopic trainer and instruments for the competition. Email us on Surgicalsim1@gmail.com
How to make your own Laparoscopic box trainer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB7zVugIbf0
To view video demonstration of Laparoscopic Suturing technique
Instruction for Laparoscopic suturing technique
Aim: To tie a single knot with three single-throws laparoscopically.
Objective: Achieve the fastest time of taking
Skill: Laparoscopic Interrupted Suturing as follows
Acceptable knot type: Szabo knot as described below
Szabo knot tied using two hand technique (“C” and “D” loops).
Sliding Knot Two Hand Technique (3 Single Knots)
1st Knot = “C” Loop
2nd Knot = “D”/ or “Reverse C” Loop
3rd Knot = “C” Loop
Clock Start: Suture Needle introduced in the laparoscopy trainer box
Clock Stops: Cut suture removed from laparoscopic trainer box
Any of the following errors will automatically lead to disqualification
Loose knot
Wrong technique (Judges will use Lap Suturing OSATS Check List - “Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills”)

Contact us on surgicalsim1@gmail.com
© 2021 Society of Surgical Simulation